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  • qiagen



    www.qiagen.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • Agent Provocateur

    Agent Provocateur

    Agent Provocateur,简称VP,中文名:大内密探,国际知名内衣品牌,1994年创立于英国,产品类别:内衣、性感内衣配饰、泳装、香水等。内密探 (Agent Provocateur) 的生产哲学十分简单,即创造“出自设计师之手、极具创意的优质女用内衣,具有刺激、诱惑和激发穿着者及其伴侣的功能。”到目前为止,大内密探 (Agent Provocateur) 仍对其布料的来源以及将布料加工为成衣的地点守口如瓶。

    www.agentprovocateur.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • Karl Lagerfeld

    Karl Lagerfeld

    karllagerfeld,Karl Lagerfeld(卡尔-拉格斐),德国人,是如今在世的最著名的国际时装设计大师,Karl Lagerfeld是现任Chanel(香奈儿)、FENDI(芬迪)两大品牌的首席设计师,时尚界人称“老佛爷”、“卡尔大帝”。以Karl Lagerfeld个人名字命名的男士服饰品牌Karl Lagerfeld更是Karl Lagerfeld个人风格的集中体现,每件都是水准十足,逐渐成为时装界的经典。

    www.karllagerfeld.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • Agenda. APP官网

    Agenda. APP官网

    Agenda. APP官网,应用描述: Introducing Agenda, the award-winning elegant new take on notes. Agenda is a date-focused note taking app for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS, which helps you plan and document your projects. Agenda gives you a complete picture of past, present and future, driving your projects forward. Whether you\\\'re a business manager noting decisions in a meeting, a teacher planning next week’s lessons, or a blogger brainstorming a post, Agenda is ideal for tracking the evolution of your notes. It\\\'s the only note taking app with a strong emphasis on the passage of time, making it the perfect fit for any project. Use it for personal projects like jotting down recipes you’d like to try, or take on major projects at work, planning your next meeting or checking off your daily tasks. The notes in Agenda are beautifully styled, and include powerful features like images, file attachments, tags, lists, and links. You can even connect your notes to events in your calendar, and add due reminders to your tasks. Locating your notes also couldn\\\'t be easier, with powerful search, a project jump bar, and related notes list. And when you find what you\\\'re looking for, simply go back in the history to where you were. TAKE NOTES. DATE NOTES. Agenda’s unique timeline approach to organizing notes gives your projects momentum. While other apps focus specifically on the past, present, or future, Agenda is the only notes app that keeps track of each in a single timeline. Add notes for what is currently on your agenda, while you prepare other notes for an upcoming meeting. Use older notes as breadcrumbs to remind yourself why you took the actions you did. WHAT\\\'S ON THE AGENDA? You can attach dates to individual notes, and even link them to events in your calendar. But you can also put them “On the Agenda”. Notes that are On the Agenda are given special status. They get added to a special overview in the sidebar so you can find them in a flash. THE \\\'MEANING FULL\\\' TEXT EDITOR Agenda is a styled-text editor. Styled text is as easy to edit as plain text, but leads to visually stunning documents without breaking a sweat. Styles include headings, lists, indented blocks, and preformatted text. You focus on the meaning of your notes, and leave Agenda to handle the appearance. The resulting documents look fantastic, and can be converted to other formats like Markdown and HTML. NOTE-ALLY ORGANIZED Group your projects into categories to make them easier to find, and order the notes for each project however you choose. You can drag them around, apply dates, or use a mixed approach. You can also collapse notes to save space. TAKING IT TO TASK Do you sometimes find yourself using your task manager for more than it is intended? Agenda is a notes app that has excellent support for tasks. It supports different list styles, including checklists, and allows mixing tasks with more extensive notes. There is also direct integration with the Reminders app, so you can add reminders with a due date to any task. SHARE NOTES AND PROJECTS A notes app is not very useful if you can\\\'t share what you create. With Agenda, you can print and share notes, even whole projects, in standard formats like PDF, RTF and Markdown. You can also use the Agenda archive format to exchange exact duplicates of your notes with other Agenda users, including any attached files. MANY DEVICES, ONE AGENDA Nobody wants data silo-ed on one device, so Agenda has apps for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and they sync up via your iCloud or Dropbox account. PURCHASING AGENDA Agenda is free, with no time limits. You can use it forever, at no cost. Agenda does offer extra premium features that require an In App Purchase. If you decide to purchase an upgrade, you permanently unlock all current features across all of your eligible devices. Even better, any features we add in the 12 months following your purchase are included, and permanently unlocked as well. All yours to keep.

    agenda.com - 2022-10-26 - 收藏
  • PageAdmin网站管理系统


    PageAdmin CMS系统是基于.Net的网站管理系统,安全、稳定、灵活,全国用户超过百万,致力于为企业、学校、政府网站建设和网站制作提供企业级建站解决方案。

    www.pageadmin.net - 2022-10-25 - 收藏
  • AGE动漫官网


    AGE动漫官网-AGE动漫动画门户网站官网是一个动漫卡通类网站。该网站网址域名于2021年06月12日注册,至今已有0年1个月了。 AGE动漫官网拥有上万高清画质的动漫资源,致力为所有动漫迷们提供最好看的动漫,AGE动漫官网观看完全免费,无须注册即可高速播放!

    www.agedmgw.com - 2022-10-25 - 收藏
  • AGE动漫动画


    AGE动漫官网免费在线观看 - AGE动漫动画是一个动漫卡通类网站。该网站网址域名于0注册,至今已有0个月了。 AGE动漫动画网是AGE动漫官网入口平台,提供最新高清动漫资源免费在线观看,内有日本动漫、国产动漫、欧美动漫、动漫动画电影等万部动漫资源等你来看。

    www.agedmdh.com - 2022-10-25 - 收藏
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